TV Asia Coverage of the Convention

We had an awesome convention! Kudos to the organizers and the participants. We will be sending out a detailed message regarding the convention. For now, we wanted to get this information out to you. Uma Rana arranged for TV Asia coverage. Please see below. We will try to copy it and send the clip out to everyone at a later date.

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Happy to report, it looks like we are going to cross 300 attendees for the convention. Sadhna Didi and Dolat Uncle have done an OUTSTANDING job, getting RANA back on track.

This is a CAN’T miss event. After all, if there is anyone that knows how to throw a party, its Sadhna Didi. Lots of fun activities planned. We want maximum participation and we are leaving registration open. PLEASE ATTEND! Its a great way to connect with old friends and make new ones.

Many members of our chapter will be making presentations including our Youth Superstars such as Ananya Singh, Gaurav Jadav, Jamie Jadav, Yash Singh, Ambika Singh and Trisha Singh. A special treat, Versha Singh will be singing! Bollywood Superstar Mohit Chauhan will be speaking about his life journey.

Although we have already exceeded the past few conventions and our target goal of attendees, with a strong last minute push, we can get to 350 and that would be awesome. Hope to see you there!

Rajiv Singh
NJ Chapter President

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The first version of the convention App is ready! The app has the agenda, speakers, alerts, menus, entertainment information, kids schedule, young adult schedule, advertiser information, sponsor information, you can communicate with other attendees and MUCH MORE!

Here are some instructions:

On your phone or Tablet, go to the app store.

Search for Zwoor event.

Select Zwoor Event for Android and install it.

Open it.

You will see the Rajput Association of North America App, select it.

Select yes to download it.

Once downloaded, select it.

Some very important things for you to note:

On the upper right hand corner on the details Menu, you will see the refresh button. Periodically you can hit that to get the most recent updated app including any alerts. This should be done a few times per day for active users of the app.

On the bottom, you will find buttons for details, agenda, speakers, alerts and more. The agenda will be the most important for most people. By clicking on more, you will find lots of other information.

Please feel free to send your suggestions for improvement. Share it and have fun with it!

Rajiv Singh
President NJ Chapter
Fundraising Chair Convention Committee

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Only a couple days away from the Epic Convention. We would love to see you there!!!! Here is a message from our beloved Convener, Smt. Sadhna Singh:

“On behalf of RANA, I cordially invite you to attend the 10th Biennial International Convention. It will be an extravaganza of Epic proportions. The agenda is packed with World Class Speakers, Cultural Events, Award Winning Dining and Amazing Entertainment, all at a Beautiful resort. Let’s celebrate the Rich Tradition and Heritage of Rajputs. I hope to see you at the Convention!”

This is RANA’s marquis event that we all look forward to. Our noteworthy leaders, J B Singh, Pushpa Singh (My Parents) and Dhiraj Uncle Ji and Bhanuba Aunti ji will be recognized by RANA for all of the wonderful things they have accomplished and the gifts they have given us. There are about 50 youth/young adult delegates that have an outstanding agenda of their own.

Its still not too late to register. Come celebrate our rich Rajput Heritage!

For those that are already registered, please let me know if you or child is interested in volunteering or being on a panel. Also, be sure to let me know if your child has a special achievement. RANA would like to recognize them.

Stay tuned for the Convention APP.

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
RANA NJ Chapter President


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RANA Convention


The Convention is almost here! Dolat Uncle, Sadhna Didi and the Convention Committee have worked tirelessly to bring you an epic event. I am proud to report, this convention will be bigger then the past few conventions. Your participation is welcomed and it is still not too late to register.

At the convention, RANA would like to recognize youth that have special achievements in academics, the arts, athletics, community service or any other endeavor. Please feel free to submit your child’s information.

Although we are close to finalizing the list of volunteers, we still have some openings. Also, there is still time for participation in the convention on panels and the cultural program.

There will be a Convention “App” coming your way……..

Hope to see you at the Convention!

Rajiv Singh
RANA NJ Chapter President

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Convention Reminder


We are less then 2 weeks away from the 10th Biennial International RANA Convention. For those that have not registered, please do so at and send your payment in. Those that have registered and not paid, please send payment to the Convention Treasurer, our very own Chandrika ji:

Chandrika Jadav
1461 Masoma Road
North Brunswick, NJ 08902

Please make the checks payable to: Rajput Association of North America Convention 2016.

Your convention committee is working hard to bring you an epic event. Be sure to call your friends and relatives and encourage them to attend. Many members of our chapter will be active participants in breakout sessions. One of Our chapter’s Youth Ambassadors to India, Gaurav Jadav, will be making a presentation regarding his community service project at the orphanage in Jaipur. Please refer to the flyer for an amazing agenda.

Please let me know if:
Your child is interested in a cultural activity such as dancing, singing, etc.
You are interested in sharing a community service project or idea.
You would like to participate in a breakout session.
You would like to submit an article for the magazine.

If your children or young adult will be attending, please send me their name, age and email address so I can forward it to the Youth organizers.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
NJ Chapter President
Convention Committee Fundraising Chair

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Message From Convener of the 10th Biennial International Convention of the Rajput Association of North America

We are only a month away from the Convention. For those that have not done so, please register and send your check in as soon as possible. Pre-payment is required for this event. You can not pay at the venue. For more information regarding registration, please visit

Here is a message from Sadhna Singh, the Convention Convener:


On behalf of RANA, I cordially invite you to attend the 10th Biennial International Convention. It will be an extravaganza of Epic proportions. The agenda is packed with World Class Speakers, Cultural Events, Award Winning Dining and Amazing Entertainment, all at a Beautiful resort. Let’s celebrate the Rich Tradition and Heritage of Rajputs. I hope to see you at the Convention!


Rajiv Singh (Manu)

NJ Chapter President

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2016 RANA NJ – PA Chapter Annual Mahatma Gandhi Community Service Day


A special Thank you to RANA NJ Chapter Youth Akahat, Ayush, Aryan, Ananya and Amisha for their community service to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). They prepared meals for 300 people in need. Kudos to all the parents that supported this event and to Ambika for gathering the ingredients and helping to deliver the meals to TASK.

Next year we are hoping to turn over this project in its entirety to our youth, those under the age of 18.

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
NJ-PA Chapter President

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10th Bi Annual International RANA Convention Update!


Have you registered for the convention? If not, hurry…..there are only 200 rooms reserved and there is a possibility that if these rooms are taken, there will be an overflow hotel. Its much more convenient to have a room in the hotel that the convention is in. So make your reservations asap!

Our NJ Chapter is participating strongly in the organization of the Convention. Sadhna Didi is Convener, Raj Shekhar Singh (chapter cultural secretary) is on the Convention Committee in charge of the stage, performance areas, etc., Mahavir Singh is on the Convention Committee, Chandrika ji is Treasurer and Rajesh Bhai is on convention committee in charge of food.

The convention is shaping up to be an epic event. The venue is the Claridge Hotel This is a beautiful newly renovated property right on the Boardwalk. In addition to dancing, partying, great food, amazing breakout sessions, meeting new friends and old, we have awesome speakers:

Mohit Chauhan

One of India’s top Male Playback Speakers. If you are not familiar with his name, you will definitely know his songs. Check out one of his songs at

Lt. Gen. Bhopinder Singh, Indian ArmyIndian Army officer. Second highest ranking officer in the military. Recipient of the coveted the PVSM medal, the highest military service medal. Former military secretary to President K. R. Narayanan and to President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. He was the former Lieutenant Governor of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Currently doing community service related work associated with HIV+ patients.

Dr. Navdeep S. Chandel
David W. Cugell Professor of Medicine & Cell Biology Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Department of Medicine/Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine. One of the foremost Lung Cancer Research Scientists. He is relatively young, in his mid 40s and came to the USA at a young age. Has over 190 publications. Graduate of U Chicago.

Jitendra V. Singh

Saul P. Steinberg Emeritus Professor of Management at Wharton (previously Asst. Dean at Wharton)

PhD- Stanford University, Organization Theory and Behavior

MA- Stanford University; Sociology

MBA- IIT Ahmadabad

Hear their life stories, inspiration, motivation, achievements and how they overcame challenges.

There will be a cultural program and our Chapter Youth Ambassadors will be making a presentation regarding the Community Service project they did in Jaipur at the Orphanage for HIV positive children.

If your child or family member would like to perform or has a special story, award, accomplishment, project, etc, please let us know.

$799 is a bargain that includes room, meals and entertainment. I request that you register as soon as possible so that you can be in the main convention hotel. To Register, please visit Should you have any questions, please let me know.

Rajiv Singh
NJ Chapter President

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Last Call For Picnic…..AND……


Picnic is on tomorrow in Langhourne, PA and thats only a 30 minute drive from Central Jersey. Join us for lots of good food, fun and Camaraderie.

Convention Convener, Sadhna Didi will be attending the picnic and has a surprise announcement regarding the convention. She is currently visiting the Atlanta RANA Chapter. Our convention Chairman, Dolat Uncle is visiting the Texas Chapter.

To register and directions to the Picnic, please visit Looking forward to seeing you!

Rajiv Singh
NJ Chapter President

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