Dont Miss The RANA-NJ Chapter Picnic This Sunday!


Please dont forget to register for the Picnic this Sunday. Register at

Hope to see you there!

Rajiv Singh (Manu)

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RANA-NJ Youth Ambassadors are Back!


Due to unforeseen family circumstances I was not able to report progress of our Ambassadors to India. I am so excited to report that the trip was a huge success. Kudos to all those that facilitated the program and made it a success. Below is a recent message I received from Ambassador Roshni Padhiar

“Hello Manu Uncle and the RANA NJ Chapter Team,

As I have returned back to America from the first Youth Ambassador Trip sponsored by RANA, I thought I would let you know how it went. We were so kindly hosted by Smriti Singh and her family with such hospitality during our stay in Jaipur. I never expected to be taken care of so well while embarking this journey. We had hot home-cooked meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday at her home. Everything was absolutely wonderful. We also stayed at Mukesh Uncle’s dad’s home in Jodhpur from which we also got to visit a Rajput school he taught at, the Chopasani School. Both hosts were very kind and generous while opening their homes for us to stay at. I think that is something RANA could be commended for; being able to keep and make these connections with friends and family members in different countries is a wonderful thing.

While in Jaipur, we got to visit the kids homes, and there will be a final video that we will have for everyone to view at the upcoming convention; however, I thought I would add a little personal summary of my experience.

Meeting the kids was an incredible experience, they were all so kind and inviting with open arms and smiles. There are currently 33 boys and 16 girls at the two care homes at Faith Sansthan. Meeting them all was wonderful and being able to spend the time that I did with them, I would never want to trade. The kids’ ages range from about 5 years to full adults, some working as staff. When you first meet the kids, you don’t think that they are living with and fighting a disease. They just seem so happy and I think it is incredible that they are given a chance to be able to have a normal childhood and household to live in. Within the care homes they are given shelter, nutritional food, medication that they need, an education and schooling, clothing, etc. It really puts into perspective what we take for granted, and how much value such things hold. Getting to know a few of the kids and going to the doctors with them really impacted me personally. Since I aspire to work with kids in the medical field, it was interesting to see the different types of hospitals in India, as well as it attached me to the children because I wanted them to get the treatment they deserved which Smriti Ji rightfully makes sure they do. I think one down side was not being able to spend enough time with the kids, but then again, maybe there isn’t ever enough time. I definitely would love to visit the kids again, and help out as much as i can as well. I think this is hands down the best and most meaningful participation I have taken that is a part of RANA. I definitely think it should continue, and hope future youth will take interest in it.

Thank You RANA for giving me this opportunity.

Roshni N. Padhiar”

More information to follow soon regarding our Ambassadors and the Convention. See you at the Convention.

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
NJ Chapter President

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A lot of our Rajput Family Members are out of country for Summer Break so the Picnic has been rescheduled from Aug 13, 2016 to Sep 18, 2016 (Sunday). The venue is same just the date has been changed. Address for the venue is Core Creek Park, Pavilion#1,1515 Woodbourne Rd., Langhorne,United States We don’t to miss our family members and them to miss Good Food, Fun, Masti, Games and Blast for all! Please register yourself on our RANA NJ website


Raj Shekhar Singh
Cultural Secretary

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RANA NJ picnic blood drive


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer! This year, at our picnic on August 13th,​ at
Core Creek Park​, there’s a great opportunity to support our community. We’re having a blood drive, which is a great cause because it’s essential for life saving medical operations. All donors will receive a t-shirt and their families will receive dosa and food at the picnic!

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested, along with your name, email, phone number and t-shirt size. Also, if I spoke to you during camping, please contact me to confirm!​ ​
I hope to see everyone at the picnic!

Ananya ​Singh​

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Business Conference, Camping Trip, Picnic/Blood Drive, RANA Youth Ambassador Program and RANA 10th International Convention

So many exciting happenings in RANA. Finally getting a chance to report back to you:
RANA – NJ Camping Trip
Another amazing camping trip with over 100 campers. The weather was perfect (NO RAIN), the venue serene and one of the best parts of the trip……the bathrooms were clean! We hiked the picturesque gorge, fished the lake, hit the wine trail, grilled mutton chops on the campfire, drank frozen margaritas, enjoyed a cruise on Seneka lake, devoured smores and so much more. A special thanks to Hardev Bhai and all those that participated. Already looking forward to next year’s camping trip that is scheduled to be close to home. Pictures for the camping trip are on the RANA Facebook page and I will let you know when they are on the our chapter website.

RANA Inaugural Business Conference
The inaugural event was an absolute hit. Pradeep Sengar of the DC chapter did an absolute amazing job. We had delegates from India, California and most of the chapters across the country. It was wonderful to meet so many entrepreneurs, learn about different businesses and brainstorm interesting ideas. I came away with lots of “ahas” and new friends. Much much more then I expected. We had many delegates from our chapter. Shree was an MC, Roshni presented the RANA Youth Ambassador Program, Om presented his startup Fireflys and our Ambassadors raised over $1,000 for the Orphanage in India. Pictures are in the Gallery on our website

RANA – NJ Picnic/Blood Drive
RAJPUT BLOOD WANTED! Ananya Singh is the coordinator of our Blood Drive that will be at our picnic on August 13th. Free Dosa to all donors and their families. Free T Shirts to all the donors. Sign up soon for this wonderful community service opportunity. Ananya can be reached at [email protected]

RANA – NJ Youth Ambassadors

Shree will be headed out today and others will follow next week. Their reports will be going out periodically. A sincere thanks to all those that donated. I am sure the Ambassadors will be recognizing donors in the near future. Donors should know that their generosity will go a long way in changing the lives of those that are not as fortunate.

RANA 10th International Convention

Mark those calendars for November 24th to 27th. Sadhna Singh of our chapter has accepted the role of Convener! Amazing speakers including renowned Scientists, community servants and entertainers will be attending the conference. I will be sending out more details regarding the conference soon. It will be an EPIC event.

Rajiv Singh
President NJ Chapter

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RANA Business Conference


The RANA Business Conference is kicking off on the 16th and there is a strong delegation from our Chapter including sponsorship from our members Dhiraj Uncle, Mahavir ji and Kishor Bhai. Our very own Shree Mahida will be one of the MCs and Ohm Mahida will be presenting his new venture, an app called FIrefly.

Our Ambassadors will also be making a presentation. I will send more information regarding their progress and much more RANA news soon.

There are many interesting sessions including a RANA venture fund/group and Dr. Jaivir Singh will speak about the opportunities in Healthcare. This is a wonderful topic for our youth that aspire to pursue a career in Healthcare. This conference is not just for business folks, it is a great place to network with professionals across all fields.

With nearly 100 delegates, this inaugural conference is already a massive success. There is still last minute registrations that we can try to accommodate. Please reach out to me to let me know if you are interested in attending.


Rajiv Singh
NJ Chapter President

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Blood Drive


So you think the blood of Rajputs is different from others? Well, its time for you to share it with those that need it. RANA NJ Chapter is sponsoring a blood drive during the 2016 Picnic which will be taking place on Saturday, August 13th. As good community citizens, this is a wonderful opportunity to give to those that need blood. The blood drive is being facilitated by the Miller Keystone Blood Center. You can find more information about the organization at

This is the first time we are attempting to do blood drive. This is a very important event for RANA NJ and participation is essential for success. There is a minimum requirement of 30 donors that are needed in order for the Blood drive to take place. To encourage participation, we are making the Picnic FREE to all those families that have a minimum of one person in their family that donates blood. Thats right……FREE DOSA!

Pre-Registration is required by Miller Keystone. Each person that agrees to donate blood will be contacted by Miller Keystone one week prior to the blood drive. We are hoping we have the minimum of 30 donors prior to August 1. For those that are interested, we will need the following information:

Phone Number:
Email Address:

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Only a few days left for the business conference. Please make a point to attend this inaugural networking event. Many members of the NJ PA Chapter will be attending the event including most of the NJ Executive Committee members.

The camping trip will be taking place within the next couple weeks. We are so excited that it will be the largest camping trip ever. There are many awesome activities planned. Hardevji will continue to send updates as they develop. Its still not too late to register.

NJ Chapter Executive Committee

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RANA Business Conference


The deadline is approaching quickly for the discounted rate of $69 for the RANA Business Conference. This is a wonderful opportunity to network with Rajputs from across the US. The Keynote speaker is Indian Ambassador to the US, His Excellency Arun Kumar Singh.

Om Mahida of our NJ PA Chapter will be presenting his new venture, “Fireflies”. I am looking forward to his presentation as well as meeting the other delegates to this event.

RANA has discounted the rate to $100 for Juniors members that are attending college. Our Chapter will pay the cost of $100 for all junior from our chapter that elect to attend this event. If you are interesting in speaking, please contact me.

Don’t miss this awesome event. Please let me know if you will be attending. I hope to see you there.

Rajiv “Manu” Singh

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Meet the Ambassadors!


We are excited that our Ambassadors have begun their assignment for a community service project in India. Their tickets are booked and they will be off to India on the 1st of August. They will be in touch with you to raise funds for Faith Aalingan which is an orphanage for HIV positive children. Please be sure to support them.

Below you will find a short bio for each Ambassador. Their email addresses are also noted.

Soon we will be sending important announcements for the upcoming RANA business conference, Camping trip and Picnic.

Rajiv Singh
President RANA NJ Chapter.

Ayushree (Shree) Mahida (20 yrs old), is the daughter of Hardev and Jayshree Mahida and is a younger sister to Om Mahida. She graduated from Lenape High School. Shree is a fourth year student at Temple University pursuing her undergraduate degree in Computer Science, with a minor in Public Health. A few of her hobbies include: reading, cooking, traveling and playing tennis. Shree can be reached at [email protected]

Gaurav Jadav is currently 19 years old. He is attending Rutgers University as a rising junior and is pursuing degrees in computer science and economics. He graduated from North Brunswick Township High School. He lives with his parents Rasik and Chandrika and his younger sister Jamie. He enjoys watching basketball and football and likes to teach himself how to play the dhol and piano in his free time. His other interests include photography and boxing. Gaurav can be reached at [email protected]

Yash Bahadur Singh is currently 18 years old and a rising sophomore at Haverford College (as well as a graduate from Montgomery High School). At the Moment, he is interested in pursuing a major in the natural sciences, most likely biology or chemistry with a biochemistry concentration. Yash’s favorite sport (to play And watch) is squash, and he’s currently on the varsity team at Haverford. He is the son of Rajiv and Vibha Singh, and he has an older sister named Ambika Singh. Yash can be reached at [email protected]

Roshni N. Padhiar (19 yrs old), daughter of Nareshsinh B. Padhiar and Kailash N. Padhiar and also the youngest of three children including two older brothers, Dheeren (26 yrs old) and Janak (25 yrs old) Padhiar. She attended an all-girls college preparatory high school named The Baldwin School located in Bryn Mawr, PA. She now attends The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia studying Biochemistry with a minor of Humanities pursuing a career in Medicine, specifically Neonatology (working with infants) or OB/GYN. A Few of her hobbies would consist of traveling, cooking, learning new languages, painting and drawing. Roshini can be reached at [email protected]

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I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather. Please mark your Calendars for the annual RANA NJ Chapter Picnic. It will be on Saturday, August 13th at the following location:

Core Creek Park
901 E. Bridgetown Pike
Langhorne, PA, US 19047
Pavilion 10

There are lots of very cool activities planned and we will have Dosa. Should start at Noonish. Although in PA, it is right over the border in Langhorne. More details to follow soon. A special thank you to Mukesh Parmar ji for taking the initiative to reserve this location.

The RANA business conference is around the corner, July 16th to 17th. Make your reservations soon before the discounted rate is gone.

Our RANA NJ Youth Ambassadors are gearing up for their exciting community service project in India. Details will be provided as they continue to develop.

The camping Trip is almost sold out! Please make your reservations asap; we are only a month away! Contact Hardev bhai at [email protected]

Rajiv Singh (Manu)
RANA NJ Chapter President

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