I hope you are enjoying the beautiful Summer season. On June 14th, the New Ambassador of India to the US, His Excellency Arun Kumar Singh was welcomed at a gathering in Potomac, MD. Ambassador Singh is a highly accomplished Rajput. The key coordinator of the event was past NEC President, Th. Sunil Singh of the DC Chapter. Representing RANA, sponsors of the event included Ajay Singh (present President of the DC Chapter), Sunil Singh, Pradeep Sengar of the DC Chapter and Dhiraj Solanki Uncleji. Several RANA-NJ chapter members were present including Dhiraj Uncle, Kishor Kumar Singhji, Mahvir Singhji, Hardev Bhai, Our Cultural Secretary RajShekhar Singh, My Daughter Ambika and myself. Other dignitaries in attendance included 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi and celebrated IP Officer Kiran Bedi. I was very proud to see a strong representation from RANA and our chapter.
Yesterday Yash, Ambika and I attended the DC Chapter Picnic. They had wonderful food and cheer. We enjoyed meeting our neighbors. I received the names of a few Rajputs in New Jersey that are not members and I have reached out to them. Incoming NEC President Prakashsinh Chauhan Uncleji was present. He briefly shared his vision regarding RANA’s future. We look forward to Uncleji’s leadership of RANA.
Please keep in mind that the RANA Youth Convention will be this weekend, Several of our Chapter’s youth with be there including Kuldeep Yadav (Riddhiji’s son), Shree and Om Mahida, my children Ambika and Yash. Registration is still open at www.ranayouthconvention.com Please encourage your families’ youth to participate.
Please be sure to check out the new website www.rana-nj.org. Several of our members have already registered on the site. Once you register, you will be able to see the information of the other members. We hope to have the entire RANA directory online soon.
RANA (n addition to our NJ facebook page) does have a facebook site with several hundred members. Please request to join the group. Go to facebook and search for Rajput Association of America. Be sure to request to join the group, dont just like it.
All the information for our Picnic on August 22nd is online. Feel free to register online. Payment is also accepted online.
The upcoming events are on the website so please be sure to mark your Calendars for Diwali and the New Year’s eve bash.
Pictures from the camping trip, Ambassador welcome event and DC Picnic will be up on our website soon. Please feel free to send me pictures so I can put them on the website.
I will be attending the NY Chapter Picnic on the 8th of August. Please let me know if you are interested in joining me.
Lots of very exciting announcements will be coming your way soon. Looking forward to seeing you at the Picnic!
Rajiv Singh (Manu)
RANA-NJ Chapter President.